
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Houston, We Have A Problem

So, as you all know, I've been very, very, VERY inactive on this blog for a long time and there is an explanation for that. I'm simply unmotivated to do what I need to do in this class. One of the reasons is that I'm still in regular high school mode and I'm pretty sure that I always will be. By "regular high school mode" I mean I'm used to having teachers have a lesson plan before the day even begins and the students just do what their told and they're told how to do it. We have specific guidelines. My brain has been wired like this due to all the years of schooling and I don't know how to work for myself when it comes to school. It's hard to do your own thing when you're so used to someone doing it for you. With all of that said, I'm not saying that this class isn't helpful for other students ir that it's not the collets class ever because honestly, it is. I love sitting in class and listening to everyone's opinion and their different outlook on certain situations because it opens my mind to new thoughts, but for some reason it's difficult for me to do work outside of the classroom. After being in this class for a whole school year I have also realized something else about myself. I'm terrified of rejection and that is not a great quality to have, especially in this class. Because of that fear, I have gotten way behind on my work and I don't know if I can get out of the grave that I have dug for myself. All I can do now is work as hard as possible and hope for the best.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Vocabulary: Spring list 1

1. Adumbrate (v)to produce a faint image or resemblance of; to outline or sketch.
2. Apotheosis (n):the elevation or exaltation of a person to the rank of a god.
3.Ascetic (n):a person who dedicates his or her life to a pursuit of contemplative ideals and practices extreme self-denial or self-mortification for religious reasons.
4. Bauble (n): a showy, usually cheap, ornament; trinket
5. Beguile (v): to influence by trickery
6. Burgeon (v): to grow or develop quickly
7. Complement (n): something that completes or makes perfect
8. Contumacious (adj): stubbornly perverse or rebellious
9. Curmudgeon (n): a bad-tempered, difficult, cantankerous person.
10. Didactic (adj): intended for instruction

The Choice

1. What is the "choice" referred to in the title?
The choice referred to in this title is whether or not the girl want's to take the "poison" by herself, or if she wants her parents to force it down her throat.

2. Is it a real choice?  Why/why not?  What is the alternative?
I believe this is a real choice because as a 5 year old, I'm sure you don't want to be taking medicine every single day of your life, but I'm sure you wouldn't want your parents to have to force it down, therefore, you MUST make the choice. The easy way, or the hard way. There is no alternative. If you take it, you're that much closer to survival, but if you don't, you're that much closer to death.

3. Why does the author use the word poison in the first line?
I believe the author uses the word poison in the first line because the medicine is like a poison to her. The little girl is forced to take it and apparently it tastes awful. The medicine is also slowing killing all sorts of cells in her body. Good or bad ones.

4. The author's daughter wants to play with a toy that is intended for older kids.  Why?  Do you agree with her?  The author's daughter wants to play with a toy intended for older kids because she truly in her heart does not believe that she will live to be 8 years old. I agree with her 100% because if I thought I wasn't going to live to see my 8th birthday, I would want to play with all the toys in the world.

5. If you thought you might not live to the age of 30 what would you want to do right now?
As crazy as this may sound right now, speaking that I'm so young, I would want to marry my girlfriend. I would want to spend as much time on this earth with her as possible. I would also want to try to get involved with wildlife, like, to become a zoologist.

6. Under what circumstances does it make sense to endure discomfort--or even force it on a loved one-- in service to a greater/more important cause?
If you are trying to help a loved one out for the better, then I believe it would make sense to endure discomfort, if need be.

7. Is suffering a necessary condition of life and love?
I believe suffering is a necessary condition of life and love because if you don't suffer, how are you going to better yourself? How are you going to make yourself stronger? Suffer causes pain and hurt and hurt can lead to a learning experience. 

8. Most readers don't share the author's circumstances, but we feel an emotional response to his words.  Why?
We feel an emotional response in his words because we can sense and feel how sad this poor father truly is. He has to watch his daughter go through agony every single day because of this medicine. He knows that his daughter knows that she may not live a long life and that is truly devastating.